Hello there friends !
Yes I know I wasn't able to keep up with the blog, but hey ! we're all human after all !
I am now in my last year of IB and the level has stepped up ( what did I expect ? ).
I interestingly did my TOK presentation on "How can we determine whether coke is good or bad for our health ?". Despite not doing as well as I had expected, I amazingly enjoyed making the presentation and I think that the experience of making it was what I respected more than the grades.
Word of experience to students : Tok presentation will be one of the most challenging task which you will encounter throughout your diploma.
Getting back to diabetes, while doing my Tok presentation,I cam across a speech of Th Prime Minister of MAURITIUS in 2008 who organized a seminar for cardiovascular diseases and he had stated that,Young Mauritians (such as myself) are catching more and more preventable diseases ( obesity, type 1 diabetes ) due to the rich nutrition which is now accessible to us.
Here are some of the Mauritian foods which I think might cause diabetes.

gateau coco ( coconut cake )
As you can see, Mauritian food is heavily influenced on other cultures.