Wednesday, 11 July 2012

getting connected with diabetic communities

Hello guys J
Today I am going to reveal a few stats on diabetes which is really interesting because our generation ( certainly mine ) tend to place more faith in numbers rather than words.
The other great tool which can help you know more about diabetes and connect with other diabetic is FACEBOOK >. The awesome invention of 2000 J .
I am subscribed to the official diabetes channel which helps me see interesting comments about people and how they are able to cope with diabetes and how they are related to diabetes.

The people who speak on about diabetes show that exercising is the best way to keep fit.
For my action, I think that the best target group to make them realize about sports is the younger years.Maybe at my school itself would be the most accessible.I would probably say class 6 and form 1 and 2.
In the United States, more than 24 million children and adults—nearly eight percent of the population—have diabetes. In adults, type 2 diabetes accounts for about 90 to 95 percent of all diagnosed cases of diabetes.   [And type 2 is related with obesity].
Today , I read about a women living in Australia who denies the Government for not doing enough about informing people how sugar is bad for you. Interestingly, I am doing a TOK presentation on how sugary drinks is bad for our health.
As I say again in Mauritius, we are pretty good at informing the public about diabetes since we’re on top of the list.

It’s difficult at times to accept that we have to change our lifestyle since it’s how we’ve been brought up. My grandmother had type 2 diabetes and that was because of her diet and she never did any sport except from walking. She struggled a lot and my mother had to take care of her daily needs with injections and controlling her blood glucose levels.

Due to that I am very conscious about what I eat. My dad is more acceptant about what he eats because he reads in the newspaper and magazine.In addition, my grand mother was illiterate.
Education is power

I think that peer to peer information is much more impactful rather than talking to adults. Since some of those kids look up to the seniors as their role models. Thus it’s really important to use the influence which we have in a good manner.

-          The video is worth a watch .

I just joined a new community called just to have more information about diabetes.

Monday, 2 July 2012

Rachel McAdams gets her diabetes facts wrong !

Last weekend I watched "The Vow"- starring Channing Tatum and Rachel McAdams. Its a great movie for those of you who enjoy romantic love stories.However , there's a part in the movie where the actress jokes about getting diabetes from eating too many sweets.

It spontaneously clicked to my mind that the scriptwriter got his facts wrong !
Diabetes does not directly come from eating too many sweets but obeisity does !


I am still thinking of the ways in which I can carry out a project. It would be wiser to target young, local children as they are the future generations of Mauritius

Nick Jonas - Jonas brothers has diabetes
- don't worry, being a diabetic isn't a crime !